Conflict Management and Resolution
Course code: PRTH 552
Conflict Management and Resolution explores the basic theories and concepts of conflict resolution: its philosophical and historical development, paradigms, structure and function, and issues and trends in the field. It will examine ways to implement conflict management and resolution from a Biblical perspective into the students personal life, workplace, and ministry settings. Students will investigate the theoretical and practical aspects of conflict assessment, negotiation, problem solving, mediation, and arbitration.
Intended Outcomes
- Knowledge Outcomes—By the end of the course you should have…
- Learned to identify key elements that create conflicts within our personal life, workplace, and ministry.
- Learned the basic content of what is conflict management and conflict resolution.
- Gained a basic familiarity with implementing techniques and processes to resolve and management conflict.
- Gained an understanding of a Biblical perspective of dealing with conflict.
- Learned conflict-resolution strategy, listening skills, proper diversity and cultural experience as related to conflict management, applying biblical principles to conflict resolutions.
- Values & Affective Outcomes—As a result of taking this course you should…
- Appreciate the proper understanding of conflict and how to deal with conflict.
Realize that conflict is inevitable and can be managed and dealt with in proper ways. - Come to believe that there is a clear and proper way to deal with conflict.
- Be motivated by know conflict and resolution strategies, learn better listening skills, develop a proper understanding of cultural differences, and learn how to apply Biblical principles within conflict resolution.
- Appreciate the proper understanding of conflict and how to deal with conflict.
- Skills Outcomes— At the end of this course you should…
- Be able to identify various aspects of conflict and chose a conflict-resolution strategy to deal with said conflict.
- Be able to apply biblical principles to any conflict resolution.
- Be able to articulate steps to deal with conflict and know when to press forward and when to stop.
- Be able to teach others how to handle conflict proper and biblically.